His Hour Come Round

His trials will go nowhere,
This chosen one,
The savior who will fight,
Get down and dirty
And do the will of those
Who proclaim his name.
Savior, they say, like Cyrus
Who saved the Israelites
From their enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.
Rough but ready, he smirks
Away, a simple man of
Simple words who grabs
The purse, brags of snatching
Far more than thirty
Pieces of silver, and
No rope can hold him
Although, he, too,
Like Iscariot, will do his will
While the disciples cheer him on.

Only Christ will weep
For what is so quickly done.

--Bill Stifler, © 2020. published Fall 2021, Poeming Pigeon: From Pandemic to Protest

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