For the Love of Christ
They are quick to push Christ
back into Christmas, these
religious zealots who condemn
homosexuals and abortionists,
liberals and atheists,
having hitched the Christmas star
to the Republican party of Christ,
forgetting Christ was born to out of town
visitors so poor a manger offered shelter,
to a carpenter and his much younger wife,
a tradesman, who worked with his hands.
They forget Christ chose the poor
as his disciples, chastised the religious,
tossed out the money changers quick
to make a buck off religious piety,
dined with prostitutes, the destitute,
political outcasts, the socially improper,
and, most importantly, have forgotten
his condemnation of the self-righteous,
so certain of the rightness of their causes
that they condemned Him to die on a cross,
a cross resembling the first Greek letter
for the Messiah, commemorated in Xmas.
--Bill Stifler, © 2020