My Guestbook
I enjoyed looking around on your site. I take all online classes which makes it hard to get to know anyone. So I feel like I know my professor now...even if just a little bit. I have enjoyed Mythology very much. It's nice to take something that isn't just all about memorizing. Have a great holiday season!
Elynka Mullins
Admin reply: The partial anonimity is one of the downsides to online learning. I feel the same way about my students. One upgrade in the spring will be that the Classlist page will show student pictures IF they have uploaded one to their profile.
I enjoyed looking around on your site. I take all online classes which makes it hard to get to know anyone. So I feel like I know my professor now...even if just a little bit. I have enjoyed Mythology very much. It's nice to take something that isn't just all about memorizing. Have a great holiday season!
Elynka Mullins
Admin reply: The partial anonimity is one of the downsides to online learning. I feel the same way about my students. One upgrade in the spring will be that the Classlist page will show student pictures IF they have uploaded one to their profile.
Added: December 2, 2010
I hope you remember me! When I was inducted to Phi Theta I filled out a form/award that complimented you. It was suppose to be given out, but I assume you never recieved it. All the important things seem to get lost along the way... In any case, I wish you taught more classes! Mythology is the best college class I've taken to date- no lies. My experiences at Chatt. State haven't been the best, but having you as my professor keeps me on the bright side- knowing that someone on that campus DOES care & LOVES to teach. I just wanted to say hi and hopefully bring a smile to your face!
Admin reply: Thanks, Jessica. I did not see that the comment you gave Phi Theta, but I thank you for the kind words. Good luck as you continue your education.
I hope you remember me! When I was inducted to Phi Theta I filled out a form/award that complimented you. It was suppose to be given out, but I assume you never recieved it. All the important things seem to get lost along the way... In any case, I wish you taught more classes! Mythology is the best college class I've taken to date- no lies. My experiences at Chatt. State haven't been the best, but having you as my professor keeps me on the bright side- knowing that someone on that campus DOES care & LOVES to teach. I just wanted to say hi and hopefully bring a smile to your face!

Admin reply: Thanks, Jessica. I did not see that the comment you gave Phi Theta, but I thank you for the kind words. Good luck as you continue your education.
Added: June 21, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Brandon Adkins
From: Lurking at the back of Bill's Mythology class...
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Name: Brandon Adkins
From: Lurking at the back of Bill's Mythology class...
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Submitted by
Name: Bill Stifler
From: Chattanooga State
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Name: Bill Stifler
From: Chattanooga State
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Name: Becca Williams
From: Chickamauga GA
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