There is an extensive collection of note taking tips in the Research section of this web site.

In addition to those resources, consider the following:

Improve Concentration in Class

Practice "looking" and "acting" like you are concentrating.

Remember, concentration is an act of the will. You must force yourself to study. With time this gets easier, but it is never easy.

Practice the 10-5-5-5 method when studying

Examine Facts That are Presented

Look for Relationships Between Ideas

For more information on the how information is organized, see the section of this web site on rhetorical modes and types of essays.

Develop Good Listening Skills

Hindrances to Effective Listening

Addressing Distractions

If a student in the classroom is causing distractions, students can

If the distraction is outside the classroom, students can

Internal distractions are often more difficult to resolve. Students may need to discuss these distractions with the instructor or a counselor, particularly if the distraction is deeply troubling like a recent loss of a loved one or onslaught of illness. Within the classroom, students can

Note Taking Techniques

Codes, Symbols, and Abbreviations

Teachers talk faster that students can write. To be more effective in keeping up with what a teacher is saying,

Cluster method

This method allows you to group ideas together informally. It is especially useful for visual learners because it displays information graphically.


Outlining shows coordinate and subordinate relationships between ideas. It is especially useful for information that is organized hierarchically (like in a business with ranks) or in a strict logical framework.


T-notes are similar to outlines except not as formal. I have used T-notes when writing a research paper (as an alternative to note cards). One advantage of T-notes is that it is easy to identify the key ideas when reviewing the notes because they are on the margin.

Book notes

Book notes help students take maximum advantage of their texts. Book note methods include

P R R Method

The P R R method is a useful way to approach a textbook or any reading assignment.


First preview the text,


Then read the text carefully, looking for the answers to the questions you have formulated as well as to these questions:


Finally review the text by

Each method has advantages and disadvantages. Students should experiment with all of the methods to find which ones work best for them and in what situations.

Additional Resources

"The Best Note-Taking Methods." Deep Dives. Box News. 24 Jan. 2022. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

"Common Note-taking Methods." Center for Academic Support and Advisement: Tips for Academic Success. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

Duffy, Jill and Justin Pot. "The Best Note-Taking Apps for 2024." PC Magazine. 19 Jan. 2024. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

Guinness, Harry. "The 6 Best Note-Taking Apps in 2024." Zapier. 29 Nov. 2023. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

"Mastering the Art of Effective Note-Taking." Disco Student Learning Center. Appalachian State University. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

"Note-Taking." Academic Resource Center. Harvard University. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

"Notetaking Hacks: Supercharge Your College Experience with These Notetaking Tips." Student News & Resources. Post University. 11 Dec. 2020. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

Somanathan, Sudarshan. "10 Best Note-Taking Apps in 2024 (Free & Paid)." ClickUp. 25 Oct. 2024. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

"Techniques and Tips for Listening and Note Taking." University of South Wales, Sydney. 14 Nov. 2024. <>.

"Top Ten Tips on Note-taking." 14 Nov. 2024. <>.