Each week, students will participate in discussions over course material.
- To earn passing credit: Complete the minimum number of posts required each week
- substantive responses to the discussion topics assigned
- substantive responses to each of two students.
- praising a student for his or her post does not earn points
- agreeing with a student for his or her post does not earn points - you must extend the discussion.
- asking a student a question does not earn points unless you explain why you are asking the question and give your own view of the answer.
- To earn maximum credit: Participate more fully in the discussions
- Substantive responses to additional topics
- Substantive responses to more than two students
- Substantive responses to questions posed/comments made by the instructor
The discussions serve multiple purposes within the class. Be sure to read The Purpose of the Discussions for a full explanation.
Success Tips
To be successful, students should
- Read carefully the assigned materials that the discussion covers
- Think about what the materials say.
- Do not do research outside of the class.
- There are "screwy" ideas out there about myth.
- Other students will not have access to the materials you are reading.
- There are variations on some myths, and we need to focus on a single version as presented in our course.
- The purpose of the discussions is to learn to read and think about myths.
- The discussions prepare students for exams and written assignments.
- You may (and are encouraged to) share insights from things learned in other classes or from personal interests and backgrounds.
- Read all of the posts by everyone in the class
- Post earlier in the week
- Do not worry about making mistakes or always getting things right
- The instructor expects students to misunderstand some things.
- The materials can be very difficult.
- The materials may include background material that students do not have in their background.
- The whole point of the discussions is to discover the answers not present the answers
- Students are learning how to think, and thinking is hard.
- Students learn from each other.
- Wrestling with the material may lead to new insights, both for students and the instructor.
- If posting later, add to the discussion. Do not repeat things already said by other students.
- Respond to the instructor's questions and comments on your own as well as other people's posts.
- Do not wait until late Friday or Saturday
- Posting at the last minute means that you are not discussing because no one has time to read and respond to your post
- Any misperceptions or misunderstandings will not be pointed out by the instructor since I will be posting extensive comments as soon as the discussion closes
- Posting at the last minute also means that you probably have not read what everyone else has posted, so you just repeat what has already been addressed, wasting your own and everyone else's time.
- Read carefully the instructor's extensive comments posted after the discussion has ended
- These will help clear up misunderstandings
- What you learn in the discussions will help you on assignments.
Important: All times listed are Chattanooga local time.