While some exam questions test students' understanding of ideas, most questions test students' knowledge of facts.
Success Tips
- Start studying for exams immediately. Daily effort over time is much more effective than cramming.
- Use flash cards effectively to study facts. See Tips for Studying for Exams: Flash cards
- Use the Study Guides to help you study. The guides
- Identify exactly what you should be studying
- Identify which sections are more important
- Focus study on the sections that earn more points on the exam
- When taking an exam
- Save each answer as it is answered. If the timer runs out, only saved answers can be submitted.
- If changing an answer, the question must be saved again to retain the changed answer.
- Always save the answers again before submitting
- For matching questions, always work down the list on the right filling in answers to the list on the left.
- For multiple choice questions, if uncertain, guess. Never leave a question blank.
- Once beginning an exam, finish before the timer expires.
- Do not begin an exam, stop, study, and return to the exam. The timer starts the first time the exam is opened and does not stop if the student leaves the exam.
Additional Notes
- Grades for exams will NOT be released until the day AFTER the exam period has ended.
- Important: All exam times are Chattanooga local time.
- Exams in this course are NOT proctored.