Chart of the Egyptian Gods
Greek name Egyptian name Realm Genealogy
Nut No info All Mother Goddess of the Sky Wife of Re, Geb, Thoth
Mother of Osiris, Horus the elder, Set, Nephthys, & Isis
Re No info All Father
God of Sun
Husband of Nut
Father of Osiris & Horus the Elder
Geb No info God of the earth Husband of Nut
Father of Set & Nephthys
Thoth Djehuty God of divine words Husband of Nut
Father of Isis
Isis Aset, Ast Great Goddess Goddess of green crops Daughter of Nut & Thoth Wife of Osiris
Mother of Horus
Osiris Usir, Wesir, Unnefer God of earth, ruler of Gods, king of Egypt
Then God of truth, Lord of Dead
Son of Nut & Re Husband of Isis
Father of Horus
Seth Sutekh, Set God of darkness, destruction, death
God of desert
Son of Nut & Geb
Husband of Nephthys
Nepthys Nebt-het, Nebhet Guide of the Dead
Goddess of Birth
Daughter of Nut & Geb
Wife of Set
Horus Hor, Heru Ruler of Gods, after Osiris
Intermediary between humans and Gods
Son of Isis & Osiris
Hathor Het-heru Great Goddess
Celestial Cow
Eye of Re
Goddess of love, happiness, women, fertility, music
Daughter of Re
Anubis Anpu Judge of the Dead
Jackal headed God of embalming
Son of Nephthys and Re?
Bast Bastet Goddess of the Sun and Moon
Protector of pregnant women
Goddess of fire, cats, sunlight
Daughter of Re
Apophis Apep Egyptian snake of the Underworld
God of chaos
No info
Phoenix Benu Mythical bird born from its own ashes
the Rising Sun
No info
Sachmis Sekhet, Sakhmet Goddess of war, vengeance, violence, destruction Wife of Ptah

(Following, under Works Cited, is a list of credits for the source materials documented on this page. Students do not need to read these credits. They are provided for documentation purposes only.)

Works Cited

Encyclopedia Mythica. 1995. 31 July 2006 <>.

Perry, Cheryl. Ancient Civilizations - Egypt: Land and Lives of the Pharaohs Revealed. Hong Kong: Global, 2005. 80-1.

Rosenberg, Donna. World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics. 3rd ed. Chicago: NTC, 1999. 2-21.