Deepak Chopra
YouTube (4:39 min.)
In this video, Deepak Chopra talks about words with similar roots to the word "myth." He discusses the significance of myth for human consciousness. He also defines archetypes as "encapsulated myths," and gods and goddesses as expressions of an internal consciousness. He suggests that modern society is in need of a new outbreak of myth.
Chopra is a popular speaker and writer for alternative approaches to medicine. He "has been called everything from a modern-day prophet to the swami of the rich hip and famous" ("Deepak Chopra," par. 1).
[Click on the Play button to start the video. It may take several minutes for this video to load using a dial-up connection.]
Works Cited
"Deepak Chopra." Contemporary Authors Online. Gale, 2007. Biography Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Kolwyck Library, Chattanooga. 7 Aug. 2007
Deepak Chopra--Defining Myth. YouTube. 7 Aug. 2007 <>
Note: This video is taken from the introductory comments made by Deepak Chopra at a Mythic Imagination conference in Atlanta, GA, 2006.