The Feminine Divine
Goddess Theory of Marija Gimbutas
According to the theory's primary advocate Marija Gimbutas, the worship of the Goddess of Life, Death, and Regeneration was a universal religion in Europe for some 30,000 years. Primitive societies "were Goddess-worshiping, female-centered, in harmony with their environments" (Leonard and McClure 104)
Key Terms
Matrilineal - related by tracing common descent exclusively through females from a founding female ancestor.
Matrifocal - Literally means focused on women. A residential arrangement in which a woman lives with and her children and sometimes her daughter's children, without coresident husbands or other adult men.
Matriarchy - a social system ruled by mothers or women.
Critics of Gimbutas' Goddess Theory
While Gimbutas argued that these fertility images were evidence of a prehistoric female led culture eventually overrun by a male dominated warrior culture, critics of her view disagree. In addition to the female fertility objects found, male and transgendered objects have also been found. The critics conclude that "Females in the Upper Paleolithic were the objects . . . of social control, male desire; . . . their place and functions in Paleolithic society were biologically determined." quoted in Conkety and Tringham. "Archeology and the Goddess: Exploring the Contours of Feminist Archeology." Feminisms in the Academy (Leonard and McClure 109).
Archetypes as Exemplars
While the male archetypes are typically defined according to specific male social roles, the traditional way of viewing the female archetypes has been defined by her physicality as a fertility figure, the nymph, the mother, the old woman. Joseph Campbell has suggested that heroes can be viewed as "exemplars," as models for behavior. Some modern psychologists have suggested schemes for identifying certain goddesses as exemplars of specific feminine traits. Leonard & McClure include the approaches of Woolger and Woolger and Jean Shinoda Bolen, which look at a number of the Greek goddesses as exemplars of female social roles.
The Goddess Within - Woolger and Woolger
Woolger and Woolger identify three broad social characteristics of women which they define as roles of independence, power, and love. For each category, Woolger and Woolger define an extraverted and intraverted goddess. However, this identification of extraverted versus intraverted breaks down in the third role of love. Woolger and Woolger identify Athena and Artemis as goddesses of Independence, Hera and Persephone as goddesses of Power, and Demeter and Aphrodite as goddesses of Love (Leonard and McClure 110-112).
The Goddess Within - Independence
Athena (extroverted)
Warrior Woman of the World
Competition, strategy, commerce
- Technology
- Warfare
- Politics
- Education
- Priestcraft
- Statecraft
Artemis (introverted)
Heart of the Lonely Huntress
Solitude, attuned to her body
- Nature
- Virgin wilderness
- animals
- Moon
- Instinct
The Goddess Within - Power
Hera (extroverted)
Queen and Partner in Power
Social leader and traditionalist
- Political status quo
- Marriage
- Fidelity
- Family unity
Persephone (introverted)
Medium, Mystic, Mistress of Dead
Spiritual leader and inspirationalist
- Mysticism
- Magic
- Spirituality
The Goddess Within - Love
Demeter (mixed)
Mother of Us All
- Children
- Selfless container
- Tireless provider
- Orderly, safe home
Aphrodite (mixed)
Golden Goddess of Love
- Mature love
- Otherness
- Pursuit of beauty
- Emotional intensity
- Self-knowledge
Everywoman's Goddess - Jean Shinoda Bolen
Jean Shinoda Bolen examines women in terms of their social/familial roles and identifies three broad groups: Virgin goddesses, Vulnerable goddesses, and the Transformative goddess. She identifies three Virgin goddesses - Artemis, Athena, and Hestia; three Vulnerable goddesses - Hera, Demeter, and Persephone; and the Transformative goddess - Aphrodite (Leonard and McClure 112-113).
Everywoman's Goddess: The Virgin Goddesses
Goddess of Hunt & Moon
Competitor and Sister
Goddess of Wisdom & Crafts
Strategist & Father's Daughter
Goddess of the Hearth & Temple
Wise Woman & Maiden Aunt
Traits of the Virgin Goddesses
- Independence and self-direction
- Need for autonomy
- Capacity for focus on the personally meaningful
Everywoman's Goddess: The Vulnerable Goddesses
Goddess of Marriage
Commitment Maker & Wife
Goddess of Grain
Nurturer & Mother
Maiden & Queen of Underworld
Receptive Woman & Mother's Daughter
Traits of the Vulnerable Goddesses
- Relationship-oriented
- Need for affiliation and bonding
- Capacity for significant relationships
Everywoman's Goddess: The Transformative Goddess
Goddess of Love & Beauty
Creative Woman & Lover
Traits of the Transformative Goddess
- Combines virgin and vulnerable
- Generates love, beauty, erotic attraction, sensuality, sexuality, and new life
- Chooses relationships but never victimized
- Inner image of women's desire for intense rather than permanent relationships
- Values creative process and open to change
The Triple Goddess
The traditional view of the goddess saw them serving three basic literary roles tied to fertility and the cycle of the seasons: goddesses of life, goddesses of death, and goddesses of regeneration (Leonard and McClure 113-114)
Goddesses of Life
- Mother Earth, Great Mother
- The material cosmos
- Nature
- The Primordial Sea
- Celestial Queen
- Universal Womb
"Goddesses of life, then, foster civilization and culture as queens and law-givers, as priestesses and culture-bringers, as warriors and strategists, as technicians and agriculturists, and as performers and artisans" (Leonard and McClure 115)
Goddesses of Death
- Tomb of Earth
- Queens of the Underworld
- Ancient wise women
- Witches, mediums, seers
- Fates
Goddesses of death are associated with the seasonal cycle of life and death and occult lore. They sometimes prey on infants and newborns. They may determine the length of life people have. They are often associated with darkness (Leonard and McClure 115-118).
Goddesses of Regeneration
- Virgins
- Nymphs
- Objects of sexual desire
- Inspiration for beauty
- Conquerors of the heart
- Insatiable lovers
"Thus, like the waxing and waning moon, regeneration goddesses are the keepers of the cosmic clock marking the season of fertility and growth and the season of sterility and death. Their pulsing sexual energies impel mortal creation to renew itself, and thus their influence redeems individual mortality through beauty, passion, and offspring" (Leonard and McClure 121).
The Masculine Divine
According to the Goddess Theory, the Masculine Divine began as "Dying Gods" who rise quickly, become consorts of the Great Goddess, and fall into death, following the seasonal vegetative cycle (Leonard and McClure 185-188). Prehistoric cultures also celebrated shaman figures that use trances, chanting, and dancing to mediate between their people and supernatural powers (Leonard and McClure 188). One such shaman figured is believed to be represented by the Sorcerer of Trois Freres, a cave painting discovered in France and dated to approximately 13,000 BCE. The figure is of a stag that combines human and animal traits (Leonard and McClure 188).