This week's discussion is on the Greek and Roman epic heroes. Be sure to review Hamilton, parts 3 & 4. Post a response for each of the three epics listed below:
The Iliad: Apply the concepts of arete, ate, hubris, and nemesis to one of the characters in the Iliad.
The Iliad: Compare Achilles to Hector. Which is the greater hero? Which is more honorable? How do each of them exemplify the values of their cultures?
The Odyssey: Respond to at least one of the following discussion topics on the Odyssey.You may find it useful to view the two videos on the Odyssey in the Course Content, under Homeric Epics, For Further Study, before answering these questions.
In his PowerPoint on the Structure and Themes of the Odyssey, Denis Kiely suggests that an important issue in the Odyssey is hospitality. Discuss the importance and relevance of hospitality in the stories of Polyphemus, Circe, and Calypso. How do these stories show the responsibility of good hospitality and bad hospitality? What do these events say about the proeper behavior of a hero?
Joseph Campbell argues that the hero must endure tests to prove himself. In the choice Odysseus faces between Charybdis and Scylla, how is he being tested?
Odysseus' Return
In examining Odysseus' return to Ithaca, Penelope's behavior while Odysseus has been gone, and the behavior of the suitors, how does the suitor's behavior fit the concept of hospitality which Kiely discusses in his PowerPoint on Structure and Themes? How is Penelope heroic? How is Odysseus heroic?
Fate vs. Free will
What is the relationship between the hero and destiny, between fate and free will?
The Aeneid: Respond to at least one of the following questions. Indicate which question you are answering.
How is Aeneas different from the heroes of the Iliad and Odyssey? How is he similar?
Why does Aeneas leave Dido? How does this compare to Paris' behavior with Helen? Odysseus' behavior with Penelope? How do their behaviors fit our ideas of romantic love? Who is the greater hero, and why?
What kind of hero is Dido? How does she compare to Penelope? to Helen?
Be sure to give well developed responses, and respond to the posts of at least two of your classmates.