From Myth to Legend: God of War II
Select a video from the list below:
1. Mythology of God of War II (2:53 min)2. Gods and Goddesses (5:31 min.)
3. Titans (4:54 min.)
4. Creatures (5:32 min.)
5. Heroes (4:48 min.)
- Mythology of God of War II (2:53 min): This video discusses how the creators of the God of War II game modified the stories of the Titans to create their game. Their plots revolve around the conflict between fathers and sons.
- Gods and Goddesses (5:31 min.): In this video, the designers of God of War II, discuss their conceptualization of the Olympians Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and Athena.
- Titans (4:54 min.): In this video, the creators of God of War II discuss the story of the Titans, their birth, their battle with the Olympians, and their incorporation of these characters into their game. In particular, they discuss Atlas, Prometheus, and Gaea.
- Creatures (5:32 min.): The creators of God of War II discuss some of the mythological creatures they have incorporated into their game including Medusa, Pegasus, the Harpies, Cerberus, the Cyclops, the Satyrs, and the Kraken.
- Heroes (4:48 min.): The creators of God of War II discuss various mythological heroes and their quests, including Perseus, Theseus, and Daedalus and Icarus, as well as their decision for their hero Kratos to face these heroes in battle.