Fails to follow directions
- Does not address the assignment (does not apply and/or explain Weigle types; does not write a creation myth; student models myth after existing myth) - 0 points for the entire assignment
- Does not meet minimum word counts - Subtract one point for every 10 words short after applying the grading rubric (i.e., student earns 90 points using the rubric, but the paper is 120 words short, so 120/10=12; 90-12=78; Student receives a total grade of 78)
- Paper is plagiarized (see rubric regarding plagiarism below) - 0 of 250 or Failure of course
Grading Rubric
Creation Myth - 40 points possible
- Original Myth - The myth is an original composition (10 points)
- Derivative - The student's myth is basically a retelling of an existing myth (0 pts)
- Dependent - The student's myth is too Dependent on or similar to an existing myth (5 pts)
- Unique - The student's myth is a unique creation (10 pts)
- Purpose - The myth explains how "our world" came to be (10 points)
- Inadequate - The student's myth does not address current issues or is ineffective. (0 pts)
- Minimal - The student's myth addresses current issues in very broad or minimal ways (6 pts)
- Appropriate - The student's myth addresses current issues in an effective way. (9 pts)
- Impressive - The student's myth address current issues in interesting and creative ways (10 pts).
- Length/Development (10 points)
- Inadequate - The student's myth is significantly less than the required length/lacks development (0 points for the myth assignment)
- Misconceived - The student has confused a creation myth with other types of myth (fertility, hero, trickster, flood, apocalypse, afterlife, and so on) (0 points for the myth assignment)
- Minimal - The student's myth is less than the required length/underdeveloped (5 pts)
- Appropriate - The student's myth is of an appropriate length and development (10 pts)
- Excessive - The student's myth is of excessive length or unnecessarily complicated (5 pts)
- Grammar and Usage (10 pts)
- Incoherent - the writer's problems with basic sentence structure and word order create difficulties for the reader's understanding the writer's ideas (0 pts)
- Problematic - the writer's errors in grammar and usage are extensive and excessive (4 pts)
- Distracting - the writer's errors in grammar and usage do not interfere significantly with the reader's ability to understand the writer's ideas but still draw the reader's attention away from the subject of the essay (6 pts)
- Acceptable - the writer's errors in grammar and usage are few and easily ignorable (8 pts)
- Excellent - the writer has practically no errors in grammar or usage (10 pts)
Myth Analysis - 60 points possible
- Number of Creation Types (10 points)
- Unresponsive - The student has failed to incorporate any creation types (0 pts for the entire assignment)
- Inadequate - The student has incorporated at least one creation type (2 pts)
- Minimal - The student has incorporated at least two creation types (5 pts)
- Appropriate - The student has incorporated at least three creation types (10 pts)
- Rationale/Purpose (10 points)
- Inadequate - The student fails to adequately explain how the myth addresses current issues (0 pts).
- Minimal - The student explains how the myth addresses current issues but superficially or minimally (6 pts)
- Appropriate - The student effectively explains how the myth addresses current issues (9 pts).
- Impressive - The student's explanation reveals insight and understanding of the ways myth explains culture (10 pts).
- Length/Development - Student correctly identifies and explains at least three types (30 points)
- Unresponsive - The student fails to identify and/or explain how types were used (0 pts for the entire assignment)
- Misconceived - The student has confused a creation myth with other types of myth (fertility, hero, trickster, flood, apocalypse, afterlife, and so on) (0 points)
- Flawed - The student misidentifies types, fails to provide adequate details, or fails to include the minimum number of types (5 pts).
- Minimal - The student includes at least three types but misidentifies or fails to support two or more types (10 pts).
- Inadequate - The student includes at least three types but misidentifies or fails to support one type (15 pts)
- Skewed - The student includes at least three types correctly identified but misidentifies or fails to support one or more additional types (20 pts)
- Appropriate - The student's identification and explanation is correct, clear, coherent, and detailed (25 pts).
- Outstanding - The student's identification and explanation exhibit a detailed and profound understanding of the creation types and the ways in which they affect myth (30 pts).
- Excessive - The student's explanation is wordy, unnecessarily complicated, or confused (15 pts).
- Grammar and Usage (10 points)
- Incoherent - the writer's problems with basic sentence structure and word order create difficulties for the reader's understanding the writer's ideas (0 pts)
- Problematic - the writer's errors in grammar and usage are extensive and excessive (4 pts)
- Distracting - the writer's errors in grammar and usage do not interfere significantly with the reader's ability to understand the writer's ideas but still draw the reader's attention away from the subject of the essay (6 pts)
- Acceptable - the writer's errors in grammar and usage are few and easily ignorable (8 pts)
- Excellent - the writer has practically no errors in grammar or usage (10 pts)
(Warning: Plagiarized papers earn no points) - Inappropriate use of materials beyond the scope of the assignment (0 points for the entire paper)
- The student will receive a zero for the assignment (unless the student has previously had a problem in the course with plagiarism--if so, the student receives a failing grade for the course and will be referred to the campus Judicial Officer for counseling).
- The student will be required to make-up the assignment but will be ineligible for any points on the make-up.
- The student will be required to meet with the instructor and complete an Academic Integrity Report.
- Failure to submit a make-up paper will result in a failing grade for the course.