Ra-Horakhty is a combined deity of Horus and Ra, and is usually depicted as a falcon-headed man wearing a sun disk on his head. By themselves, Ra and Horus sometimes share similar iconography. Based on New Kingdom tomb paintings. Image by Jeff Dahl. Source: Wikipedia This image is in the classical Egyptian pose, torso facing front, feet and head facing left. This image has the red disk of the sun, with the head of a snake on the left, the tail on the right, sitting on the head of the god depicted as the hawk. The god is dark complected with an ornamental necklace in blues and golds around the neck, arm braces, wrist braces, and ankle braces the same colors. The left arm holds a long crook. The right arm has a white glove on the end of the hand and dangling from the hand, an ankh, which looks like a Christian cross with the top bar replaced by a loop. A ceremonial sash hangs from the god's waist.