Nut, Egyptian goddess of the sky in the tomb of Ramses VI. By Hans Bernhard. Source: Wikipedia. Nut's body wraps around the left side and top of the page. Her arms form the left border. Her head extends down from the left corner about a third of the way down the image while her body forms the top edge. At the bottom of the image are 11 slaves holding a rope which winds above them to attach to a boat. The boad has a small structure at the center, where two figures face each other. The structure has a serpent on the roof. On either side of the structure are the boatmen guiding the boat to the land of the dead. Surrounding the boat are columns of hierglyphs. Standing above the boat are the Egyptian gods: Horus, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Set. More hierglyphs surround the gods.