The Return of Persephone, 1891. Oil on canvas. Frederic Leighton depicts Hermes helping Persephone to return to her mother Demeter after Zeus forced Hades to return Persepone. Source: Wikipedia In the upper left, Demeter stands, arms open wide to welcome her daughter back to the world of light. Demeter stands in the opening of a cave, a clouded sky behind her. Inside the cave, Hades stands, one arm supporting Persephone. Hades is wearing a flowing blue-gray robe with a white cap on his head. Hades appears as a handsome young man with curly brown hair. Persephone is leaning toward her mother, standing on tiptoes, arms outstretched, head back, looking up at her mother. She wears a sheer white gown through which can be seen her naked form. At the foot of the cave, near the entrance, a few flowers can be seen growing.