Figure V.2. Female figure in adoration before a goddess, bas relief Source: Project Gutenberg, Myths of Babylonia and Assyria by Donald A. Mackenzie The picture is in black and white At the far left can be seen the tops of a palm tree. Next are two prancing antelope, with large curved antlers. Above them is a lamp. Next appears a young woman facing right, wearing a long dress. Her left hand is extended in supplication, her right hand, raised. Next appears the goddess Ishtar. She wears a square headpiece with an eight pointed star above it. She carries a quivver of arrows over one shoulder and stands on a large cat. In her left hand, she holds a bow. Her right arm is raised. She faces the young woman. Behind her is a half moon figure done with dots. Beside it on her right is a palm tree. Just past the palm can be seen a repetition of the image of prancing antelope.