Cosmogonic Cycle by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, page 266. The image is a cycle that revolves through the three phases of waking consciousness, dream consciousness, and deep sleep. As the cycle turns to the left it passes down from waking conscious through dream consciousness to deep sleep. This passage Campbell labels Emanations. Then the cycle returns from deep sleep through dream to waking consciousness which Campbell labels Dissolutions Two curved arrows form the sides of a circle, open at the top and bottom. The arrow to the left points up. The arrow to the right points down. The arrows are bisected by two verticle lines, dividing the circle into three sections. The top section is labeled Waking. The middle section is labeled Dream. The bottom section is labeled Deep Sleep. To the left of the Dream label, outside the circle is the word EMANATIONS. To the right of the Dream lable, outside the circle is the word DISSOLUTIONS. The caption reads: Emanations, treats of the forms of the universe coming out of the void. . . . Dissolutions, tells of the foretold end . . . of the manifested world" (Campbell 38).