My Writing

Bill Stifler, caricature by ChattState Student Life

My Commonplace Book (blog)

Web Projects

Over the course of my tenure at Chattanooga State, I was involved in a number of web based projects, all now defunct. In addition to the projects below, I also had worked on web pages for the school Teaching & Learning intranet site, the Honors Department., GED/ABE, a Developmental Studies web site (the division was disbanded just before the site went live), an archive for Chatt State's Writers@Work project, and the original template for Chatt State's Roadmap project.

Reading & Writing Center
Reading & Writing Center

sidewalk leading to Humanities & Fine Arts
Humanities & Fine Arts

Meacham Writer's Conference
Meacham Writers' Workshop

Phoenix: Chattanooga State's Art and Literary Magazine
The Phoenix
Chatt State's Art & Literary Magazine

Online Course Development: I also designed and created the original online courses for ENGL1010 English Composition and ENGL2160/HUM2130 Mythology. Much of those materials have been recreated here in the various topics on this web site.

CS-BBS: In 1992, this project became the basis for Chattanooga State's expansion into online teaching, an integrated bulletin board and teaching management system. I reprogrammed the Telix BBS to create teacher directories for each class taught with student subdirectories for sending and receiving files. I also wrote user manuals for students and teachers. I re-wrote the original Telix program using the Telix programming language SALT (similar to C) and integrated MSDOS compiled batch files and WordPerfect © macros.


Developmental Studies Newsletter
Right Direction
Chatt State's Remedial/Developmental Newsletter

From 1992 through 1998, I served as co-editor of the monthly newsletter Right Direction. I was primarily responsible for editing and layout, but I also assisted with soliciting articles and wrote a column myself. Some of the Right Direction articles were departmental news or postings about family. Others focused on teaching and learning strategies, and projects across the division.

My final farewell to the division

Most of the papers here have not previously been published and were written in response to assignments in various classes. These papers should not be reproduced in any fashion except with the express written permission of the author. They are provided here as example papers for students and as representative of my writing.

Experiments in Genre: Fantasy and Mimesis in Stephen R. Donaldson

Master's thesis; University of Tennessee, Chattanooga; 1991

My short story "Driftwood," Spring 2020 in Fragmented Voices.
My creative non-fiction essay "Not from Around Here," Fall 2021, Being Home, Madville Publishing (originally published in The National Gallery of Writing, TYCA. 2009)
Published poems:

The Cat Who Walks Through Walls: Heinlein and Manners

Assignment for ENGL500: Methodology and Bibliography, Dr. Thomas Ware, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Fall 1986.

Anachronies and Their Effects: Nostromo and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Assignment for ENGL431: MODERN BRITISH NOVEL, Dr. Craig Barrow, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 7 Oct. 1987.

Power and Passivity: A Feminist Look at Nostromo and The Mayor of Casterbridge

Assignment for ENGL431: MODERN BRITISH NOVEL, Dr. Craig Barrow, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 7 Oct. 1987.

Narration and Focalization: The Quiet American, A Severed Head, and The French Lieutenant's Woman

Assignment for ENGL431: MODERN BRITISH NOVEL, Dr. Craig Barrow, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 7 Dec. 1987.

Fernando Pessoa's "The Tobacco Shop"

Assignment for ENGL433: Modern Poetry, Dr. Richard Jackson, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 9 Nov. 1987.

Angel Gonzalez: Nostalgia and Inevitability

Final assignment for ENGL433: Modern Poetry, Dr. Richard Jackson, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 3 Dec. 1987.

Gender Oppositions: The Oedipus Complex in Women in Love and To the Lighthouse

Final assignment for ENGL431: MODERN BRITISH NOVEL, Dr. Craig Barrow, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 7 Dec. 1987.

The American Dream: The Individual and Society, The House of Mirth and The Great Gatsby

Assignment for ENGL 501R: Modern American Novel, Dr. Craig Barrow, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 9 Feb. 1988.

Romance vs. Novel: Narrative Effects, The Sun Also Rises and The Great Gatsby

Assignment for ENGL 501R: Modern American Novel, Dr. Craig Barrow, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 9 Feb. 1988.

First Person Interior Monologues: Narrative Distance and Chronology,
The Nation Thief and The Sound and the Fury

Assignment for ENGL 501R: Modern American Novel, Dr. Craig Barrow, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 24 April 1988.

Cognitive Estrangement: The Dispossessed and Invisible Man

Assignment for ENGL 501R: Modern American Novel, Dr. Craig Barrow, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 26 April 1988.

Counterpoint: Tone and Point of View in Mark Helprin's "North Light"

Assignment written for ENGL576: Fiction Writing, Ken Smith, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Spring 1988.

Oppositions in E.L. Doctorow's "The Hunter"

Assignment for ENGL571: Workshop: Writing, Jane Bradley, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Spring 1989.

Editorials for the Academic Exchange Quarterly (AEQ):

AEQ covers

Beginning with the second issue, I served as copy editor for the AEQ through May of 2001, when the editorial duties became more than I could manage with my regular school duties. Since that time, the AEQ has gone on to become an established educational journal, and I am proud to have had a part in its inception.

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