Bill Stifler
I was born in northeast Maryland, and grew up in York County, Pennsylvania, attending Red Lion Kindergarten, Canadochly Elementary, and graduating in 1972 from Eastern York High School. While a senior in high school, I attended Lancaster Bible College part-time in the evenings. I came to Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1972 to attend Tennessee Temple University, where I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1976 (Major: Biblical Studies, Minor: Psychology). I received a Master of Religious Education: Christian School Administration in 1981 from Temple Baptist Theological Seminary, and in 1991, a Master of Arts in English: Writing from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
I began teaching at Chattanooga State as an adjunct in 1989 and full-time in 1992 in Developmental Studies. Prior to my retirement, I taught mythology, composition, and, occasionally, Intro to Humanities and creative writing in the Humanities & Fine Arts division. I also served for many years as the webmaster for the original site of the Meacham Writers' Workshop.
Academic Projects
Work Prior to Retirement
- Taught in Humanities & Fine Arts - I taught primarily composition, computer-assisted composition (including the online version of first year/first semester composition, which I developed in 2000; converted and revised for WebCT in 2002; and converted and revised again for D2L in 2007-9), and world mythology; I taught creative writing and had taught a science fiction class Fall 2004. In the past I taught remedial/developmental writing, and Psychology of Learning (a Developmental Studies course designed to assist students with generalized academic weaknesses).
- Experimented with Internet-based education/educational support and participated in a variety of on-campus programs to expand the use of technology. Developed a WebCT based Composition one class and a World Mythology class. I was also involved in several hybrid and supplemental Internet course projects. In 2007, I modified the World Mythology class for Desire2Learn, and I modified and revised the ENGL1010 course to reflect changes made as a result of the departmental revision of ENGL1010. The ENGL1010 content was made available to all sections of ENGL1010, online and on-ground.
- Chattanooga State coordinator and webmaster for the Meacham Writer's Workshop, a local free writer's conference first begun at University of Tennessee at Chattanooga from an endowment funded by the late Jean Meacham in honor of her husband.
- Tutored students in writing in the Don Andrews Reading & Writing Center
Previous Projects
- Web-editor for the Humanities web site and the Reading and Writing Center web site.
- Web-editor for the Phoenix, the Chattanooga State student arts and literary publication
- Copy editor for the Academic Exchange Quarterly, 1997-May 2001.
- Past webmaster for our campus Institute for Teaching and Learning committee. The web site provided information and campus support to faculty and staff for teaching, particularly using technology.
- Assisted the Parent Volunteer Organization at Tyner Academy (1999-2000) by producing its monthly newsletter, and maintaining and developing its web site, the Parent Ram-Page (as support to Chattanooga State's partnership with Tyner Academy, our local technology magnet school)
- Pilot project under the direction of Matt Smith to explore an argument/persuasive writing-based EN111 as an alternative to traditional literature-based composition classes (1999-2000)
- Kaplan® AAPP and Compass Test Preparation Workshops
- Served as co-editor of the Developmental Studies newsletter, Right Direction September 1992 to May 1998
- Served as secretary of the Chattanooga State Faculty Senate from August 1994 to May 1997, and was instrumental in the 1997 revision of the Faculty Senate Constitution
- Involved in use and extension of technology on campus
- Developed Developmental Studies division web pages
- Assisted Distance Learning in early forays into computer-assisted distance education classes (set up a simple BBS program for offering classes)
- Taught Instructional Televised Fixed Services classes

I am the oldest of six children. Growing up in Pennsylvania, I spent most of my teen years laboring hours in the neighbors' fields, baling straw and hay; planting, spearing and hanging tobacco; and picking potatoes and tomatoes; helping out on our twelve acre truck farm; or shoveling manure for my father (who flies homing pigeons). While growing up, I attended Windsor Church of God, and, although I never officially joined the church, I count it as my home church. I also spent several summers working with a local Christian mission organization, Teen Encounter, where I worked as a camp counselor, office assistant, and general gopher. When I wasn't working, which was often enough, I was either reading (my idea of summer vacation was a hammock on the front porch and a stack of books, mostly light fiction as well as serious fiction and books about science), memorizing Scripture, or fiddling with chemicals, rockets, telescopes, electronics, and a variety of other scientific miscellany as I assisted my mad scientist partner and neighbor, Dennis Myers. I was, in fact, a nerd.
During those long years working my way through college, seminary, and graduate school, I was a jack of all trades, working in a lumber yard and in two warehouses; I drove trucks and forklifts; operated a modified offset press; worked production, receiving, and order selecting; and spent quite a few years in charge of inventory control for a local dry grocery warehouse. During my years working inventory control, I
- maintained the accuracy of approximately $10 million of inventory at less than 0.001% variance as measured during bi-yearly inventory reviews
- assisted in analyzing, coordinating, developing, and implementing warehouse, distribution, purchasing, data processing, sales, and accounting procedures relevant to warehouse operation
- served as 3rd shift Systems Administrator for DCMCS (Dallas Inventory Management System) after the company instituted a computerized inventory system
- assisted in modifying and implementing DCMCS for use in the Health and Beauth Care department
I was married in 1974 to Kathy Miller of Leechburg, Pennsylvania, and have four children: Natalie, Brant, April, and Ben. I was divorced, after a lengthy separation, in March 2006. July 2007, I married Judy Yancy, a native Chattanoogan, who has two grown children, Chris and Brianne.
Personal Interests
I'm interested in most things that involve using my head rather than my hands, which means as a child and a teenager, I liked most academic subjects in school while not being particularly enthusiastic about sports or shop. I suffered nerve damage to my left arm at birth, which resulted in the gradual atrophy of my rotary cuff, deltoid and tricep muscles. When I was a year old, my father changed my hand orientation from left to right (This was not in response to the nerve damage but rather because, as a left-handed person himself, he wanted to spare me having to buy specialized tools for left handed people). Subsequently, I lacked upper body strength and had coordination issues. In recent years, I have lost most of the mobility in my left arm. It was only after I began losing mobility in my left arm when I was in my 40's that it occurred to me that I had been physically disabled all my life. In the last several decades, I have also lost acuity in my right ear and eye.
In addition to an avid interest in computer technology and an unhealthy lack of specialization, I love writing fiction and poetry, when I can make time for it. To date, I have only a few works published, including "On Writing," a poem published in Bridging English by Milner and Milner, MacMillan Press, 1993, and "Redeeming Time," a poem published in the 75th anniversary edition of Science News (1 Mar. 1997: S24).
I also enjoy singing and over the years have sung in several high school, college, and church choirs. My most active interests are
My wife Judy and I
- English-writing and literature: I write both poetry and prose, and have taught basic writing, creative writing, and composition, which includes some foundational literary analysis.
- Mythology: Mythology is one of those fields that crosses all disciplines, which is part of the attraction for me.
- Science, particularly the physical sciences: During most of my years in elementary school and high school, I was planning on a professional life in science. My best friend Denny Myers and I had our own science company, M&S Scientific. I considered astrophysics or teaching high school physics and math, but during my last three years of high school, my life took a different direction.
- Reading: Mainstream literature; literary studies; non-fiction, especially science, history, and philosophy; mysteries (a Nero Wolfe, Spenser, and Lew Archer fan), sci-fi (Heinlein, Norton, Del Rey, Silverberg, Herbert, and others), and fantasy (I did my graduate thesis on Stephen R. Donaldson).
- Computers and related topics: I am self-taught in using HTML and CSS, and have dabbled in programming, including a scripting language similar to C+, GWBasic (back when that was popular), some javascript and a bit of PHP. I will admit that I am more trial and error at programming than systematic. I sometimes slip into command mode to use some MSDOS.
- Psychology: I minored in psychology and considered counseling as a profession.
- Music: Before minoring in psychology, I was a vocal music minor, completing 19 hours of a 21 hour minor. Due to a variety of circumstances, I changed to a psychology minor my senior year. I grew up listening to the 40's and '50's music of my mother (especially Pat Boone) and the pop and country my father enjoyed so I have mixed tastes--soft rock, especially Phil Collins; some country; classical, especially J. S. Bach; contemporary Christian, especially Steve Green; quartet music with a nice bass, and other styles. I sang in choir in highschool and in college, was a member of a male choir (Singing Men of Temple), have sung in various church choirs over the years, and sang in Chattanooga State's campus faculty/staff choir. I briefly directed a small church choir. Over the years, I have also sung solos, duets, bass in mixed quartets, and first tenor in an acapella Gospel quartet. I've had some musical training, but, unfortunately, I have not used it on a regular basis, so I have forgotten much.
Pictures and background on my family, PA, and childhood home