For those students who want to extend their studies beyond the limits of this class, the following additional resources are available. Some are videos, others web sites devoted to specific topics relevant to this module. Chattanooga State students will need the library ID and password to access many of the videos.
- Look at Your Fish (Desiring God: Keep Looking by Jorge R. Canedo E.)
Jorge Canedo uses the story of Louis Agassiz as an illustration of the importance of reading and re-reading the Bible. In much the same way, we will be looking closely at the stories of myth, learning to see what the stories have to reveal.
- Resources on the Study of Myth
- Deepak Chopra--Defining Myth (YouTube)
- Defining Myth by Michael Delahoyde and Collin Hughes
- Encyclopedia Mythica
- Sumerian Timeline, International World History Project
- What is Myth? (In Search of Myths and Heroes, PBS)
- Scott Leonard's Myth and Knowing Pages
- The Universal Myth: Defining and Finding the Oldest Myths
- Theories of Myth: Crash Course World Mythology #12
- Building Your Mythic Toolbox: An Introduction to the Study of Myth (William Doty)
- Sacred Text and Stories (22:00) (Films on Demand)
- Clash of Christianity and Tradition (02:13) (Films on Demand)
- Indo-European Language: The Root of a Common Language System (03:07) (Films on Demand)
- The Godly Elite vs. the Primitive "Other" (02:39) (Films on Demand)
- Myth - Myth And Ritual
(part of broader disciplinary study of myth)
- The Dark Ages...How Dark Were They, Really?: Crash Course World History #14
- Relativity and the Equivalence of Reference Frames (YouTube)
- Joseph Campbell
- Joseph Campbell's Influence (02:36) on Star Wars (Films on Demand)
- Joseph Campbell Foundation videos
- Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth
- Gods & Goddesses from around the World
- The Greek Myths, Robert Graves, part 1 (audiobook) (6:37:11)
- The Greek Myths, Robert Graves, part 2 (audiobook) (6:35:32)
- In the Paths of the Gods series (Films on Demand)
- Greek Mythology (playlist)
- History Channel - Clash of the Gods (Greek)
- Greek Myth and Religion (Education Portal Academy)
- Roman Myths and Religion (Education Portal Academy)
- Ancient Egypt (British Museum)
- Pyramids: The Inside Story (PBS)
- Persian Mythology (
- Hindu Gods & Goddesses (
- Chinese Myths (
- A-Z Photo Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Statuary (OnMark Productions)
- African Gods and Their Associates (MythHome)
- Ancient Mexico: The Art, Culture and History of Ancient Mesoamerica (
- Norse Mythology playlist
- Mystery of the Mayans (Canadian Museum of Civilization)
- Gods, Goddesses, and Supernatural Beings, Mircea Eliade
- Mayan Myths and Gods (Films on Demand)
- Animals as Divinities (53:00) (Films on Demand)
- Sacred Memory (20:00) (Films on Demand)
- Mythology gods (Mythology Explored by Ancient Mystery)
- Review Games