Creation Myth Project
Documents MUST be submited in MSWord format (.doc or .docx)
General Guidelines
Students will make up an original myth to explain how the world came to be (as it is today) incorporating at least three of the Weigle types in their myth. (The Weigle types are explained in Chapter 2 of Mythology: Reading Myth by the River). Students will then write an analysis of their myth, identifying the three Weigle types used, explaining exactly where, how, and why the Weigle types were used in their myth, and explaining what they were trying to suggest about the world through their myth. Students must also explain any additional types that appear in their myth even though they had not planned on using them.
Warning: This must NOT be a re-telling of an existing cosmogony/myth (Genesis, evolution, the Big Bang, etc.). See Mythology: Reading Myth by the River, Chapter 2 for examples of creation myths. Students must write their own personal original myth. Students who submit someone else's work as their own will receive a zero for the assignment and will be referred to the Judicial Officer and other school officials for violation of Academic Integrity.
If a student's paper does not follow directions:
- Does not address the assignment (does not apply and/or explain Weigle types; does not write a creation myth; student models myth after existing myth) - 0 points for the entire assignment
- Does not meet minimum word counts - Subtract one point for every 3 words short after applying the grading rubric (i.e., student earns 90 points using the rubric, but the paper is 120 words short, so 120/3=40; 90-40=50; Student receives a total grade of 50)
- Paper is plagiarized (see rubric regarding plagiarism below) - 0 of 250 or Failure of course
Rubric for assessment:
- Student created myth - minimum of 500 words
- Myth must not be a retelling of an existing myth
- Use of at least three of the Weigle myth types
- Student analysis of student myth - minimum of 500 words
- Which types were used?
- How were they used in the myth?
- What details indicate the type used?
- What purpose does this myth serve?
- Students must identify and explain every myth type used in their myth (whether planned or not).
- No source material other than the Weigle types can be used
- Grading Rubric
- The creation project must be typed and double-spaced with one inch margins on all four sides. The assignment will be submitted electronically through the assignment dropbox. LATE PAPERS RECEIVE A ZERO.
Specific Instructions
This project will involve two parts: the writing of a modern myth of creation (500+ words) and an analysis of the myth written (500 words).
Myth Story: Using at least three of the nine types of creation myths given in the Creation Myths types handout, students will write a modern creation myth (500 words +). The story must be a creation myth and not a fertility myth, trickster myth, hero myth, or other kind of story. Your story must explain the creation of the world and the things in it. The myth must clearly demonstrate the use of at least three of the Weigle types. The student’s myth must reflect modern concerns and ideas and must not be just a re-telling of an existing myth. Apart from the materials in the Course Content and the explanation of Weigle's types in Mythology: Reding Myth by the River, chapter 2, students may not use any sources. This is not a research assignment. Students who use information from printed documents, the Internet, or other classes will receive a zero for the assignment, face academic integrity charges, and be required to write a makeup assignment which will NOT earn points. (This portion of the assignment is worth 40 points)
A creation myth answers questions like Where did we come from? How should we live? What is the purpose of life? What is the proper way for people to live? Why is the universe like it is? What is the nature of the universe? Your myth should be a story that suggests answers to questions like these.
Myth Analysis: Students will explain which creation types were used to develop their myth and explain what their myth suggests about the place of modern humanity in the world. The analysis should be approximately 500 words (This portion of the assignment is worth 60 points).
The analysis must identify every occurrence of every Weigle myth type used. Your analysis must explain exactly which of the Weigle types were used and identify which details support their use. Include all myth types that appear in your myth. The story must be a creation myth and not a fertility myth, trickster myth, hero myth, or other kind of story. Your story must explain the creation of the world and the things in it. Your analysis will explore what questions your creation story tries to answer, how it answers them, and what kinds of things you considered in answering those questions. What governed the choices you made in your creation story? In what ways does your creation story try to fit our 21st century view of the world? Your analysis must explain which creation types you have used to create your myth and how you used each creation type in your myth. Again, this is not a research assignment. You will be graded on how well you apply what you are learning about mythology in this class.
Place headings for the myth and the analysis.
Students are required to submit this assignment. Students who do not submit this assignment are ineligible to pass this course.
Work Ethic Credit: To earn the Work Ethic Credit for this assignment, the student must submit the completed paper at least three hours in advance of when the Dropbox is originally set to close; and the assignment must be complete, follow all guidelines, and meet all requirements for the assignment.